The mission of the CLTA Advocacy Committee is to promote, strengthen, and stand up for language education in California by working with legislators and the public to build and maintain support for language programs across the state. Every CLTA member is an advocate “any time we raise our voices in support of the educators, programs, and policies that promote language learning”. (Language Connects Foundation)
And each voice makes a difference. Let the CLTA Advocacy Committee hear your voice. For more information about the committee’s work or about how you can be a language advocate, e-mail the Advocacy Chair advocacy@clta.net.
2-4-6-8, Together Let’s All Advocate!
- How to Make your Voice Heard
- Let your voice be heard! Contact:
- CA World Languages Framework(PDF)
- CA World Languages Standards
- ACTFL’s National World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages
- CA State Seal of Biliteracy
- Seal of Biliteracy Across the United States-Find out more!
- P21’s Framework for 21st Century Learning
- Learn about the work of JNCL-NCLIS, language education’s most powerful advocate and supporter on Capitol Hill.
- Explore great ideas and inspiration for advocacy from Lead With Languages
- Top Ten Reasons to Learn a Language
- Language Program SOS strategies
- Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education
- Need to show the connection between global competence and multilingualism? Check out these videos.