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Checklist for Consideration of Application

Requirements Comments
Y N Online application submitted by deadline of January 15, 2016.
Y N Evidence of CLTA membership ( postmark deadline year ) You can get E-mail confirmation from membership chair:
Y N Have you received this grant previously?
Y N Completed online application form.
Y N A recent photograph (one copy suitable for display)
Y N A letter written by the candidate describing the following:
Y N 1. What the funds will be used for
Y N 2. Motivation for applying for the grant
Y N A letter from candidate’s employer indicating the following:
Y N 1. The candidate is not receiving any funding from his/her school to attend this event.
Y N 2. That the candidate is currently employed as a teacher of WLOE*
Y N 3. The number of years that the candidate as been a teacher of WLOE*
*WLOE: World languages other than English


Qualified applicants will be selected by lottery. Awards are expected to be as much as $300. Recipient will be advised of the exact amount upon notification. Upon completion of the event, the recipient will submit receipts for expenses to CLTA Treasurer,, for reimbursement up to the amount awarded. Allowable expenses are registration, hotel, meals, and transportation to a CLTA function.

For awards questions, contact Kevin Duffy ( or Tanya Zaccone (
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