Spend a week in Salamanca, Spain! DICE Salamanca will award one training course for a CLTA Member who is a Spanish teacher so that that they may acquire new language and teaching skills that they can apply in their classrooms. Click here to see the Dice Salamanca website and more information about the course they offer.
El/La becario/a tiene que ser un profe actual de español y un/una socio/a de CLTA.
Fechas de la beca: se puede escoger una semana entre estas:
- 22-28 de junio
- 6-12 de julio
- 13-19 de julio
- 27 de julio – 2 agosto
La beca incluye:
- Curso de didáctica o perfeccionamiento de 20 clases en horario de mañana (9.30-13.30)
- Alojamiento en residencia, habitación individual con baño, pensión complete
- Actividades
No incluye:
- La llegada a Salamanca (avión, tren, autobús…)
- Todo lo que no está mencionado anteriormente
Requirements: Items 1-6 need to be ready to upload when filling out the online form. Items 7 & 8 are provided in the online form.
1. Evidence that the nominee is a member of CLTA. Get email confirmation from membership@clta.net (cc registrar@clta.net on all correspondence)
2. Applicant lives in California or teaches in California (email confirmation from membership@clta.net)
3. Letter written by applicant describing: 1) motivation for applying for this scholarship, 2) how the scholarship will help the applicant to improve his/her teaching skills, and 3) projected impact on the applicant’s students and classroom activities
4. Brief professional résumé/CV
5. Evidence that the applicant is currently employed as a high school or University teacher of world language other than English
6. A recent photograph of applicant (one copy suitable for display)
7. Three letters of recommendation (give a copy of the check list and rubric to those writing recommendation letters)
8. Willing to submit a written report for the CLTA newsletter or present a session at CLTA’s Annual Conference next year
9. Have not been a recipient of this grant in the previous four years