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The CWLP Teacher Leader Award 

(Sponsored by the California World Language Project)

This award is presented to the individual who, in addition to being an outstanding teacher, has made a significant contribution to world languages and cultures teacher training and/or professional development, has demonstrated a strong commitment to service within the profession, and has actively advocated for the advancement of language education, while being recognized as a leader in the field.

Affiliates and individuals may nominate CLTA members.

Nominees must be CLTA members in good standing for at least the current and previous year. 

Requirements are listed below.


All items below need to be ready to upload by the nominator when filling out the online form.

  1. Evidence that the nominee is a member of CLTA. Get & upload an email confirmation from
  2. Letter of nomination from a CLTA Affiliate or CLTA member in good standing describing attributes and contributions.
  3. Brief professional resumé or CV of nominee obtained from nominee.
  4. Evidence that the nominee is currently employed as a teacher of world language other than English obtained from the nominee’s administrator or HR department.
  5. A recent high-resolution photograph of nominee suitable for display and social media use.
  6. Three letters of recommendation from persons not CLTA board members (You may want to provide those who write letters of recommendation with the scoring rubric).

Online Nomination form can be found here: Application/Nomination Form

Past Winners

2024     Dr. Layla Bahar Al-Aloom

2023     Dr. Eduardo Muñoz-Muñoz and Angela Martinez

2022     Dr. Vicky Xiong-Lor

2020     Tina Dalton

2019     Peggy Kao

2018     Michael Silva

2017     Baocai Paul Jia

2016     Nancy Pérez

2012     Elizabeth Matchett

2009     Dr. Mercedes Thompson

2008     Dominique Van Hooff

2007     Carol Moir

2005     Ursula Weaver

2003     Carol Eberhart

2000     Brandon Zaslow

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